POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) is a legally acceptable form that clears states what treatment a patient and family want toward the end of life. POLST started over 20 years ago in Oregon when the state passed legislation creating POLST. Since then, very slowly a handful of states have adopted regulations or laws endorsing the use of POLST to ensure that patient’s end of life decisions are honored.
Does your state endorse POLST?
Remembering that POLST does not address all people who face end of life issues such as the otherwise healthy person involved in a traumatic event, its purpose is to address the many who know that the end is coming. Most of this population involved the elderly with multiple medical issues that will eventually lead to death.
As we live in a very litigious society, extensive, aggressive medical care is still the norm across the country even when the outcome will still be the same. Perhaps, even more importantly, these invasive procedures continue to occur even though it means that the patient spends his or her last days suffering, in pain, not surrounded by those who love them.
The only way to ensure that your loved one’s last wishes are honored is if you live in a state that has endorsed POLST. Some states have made some changes. For example in the state of New York, it is referred to as MOLST (Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment). In West Virginia, the program is simply called POST (Physician Orders for Sustaining Treatment).
What matters most is if you live in a state that has a legally endorsed POLST program. If you are interested, please visit POLST.ORG to see if your state has such a program or what you can do to encourage one be started.
What’s most important is honoring our loved one’s